What is Whole Body Cryotherapy:
Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is the therapeutic application of extremely cold dry air, usually between -184F to -260F (−120°C and −160°C). WBC stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities and its a lot more comfortable than you imagine. WBC uses extreme cold to induce responses on three levels: the circulatory system, the energy meridians and the nervous system. WBC provides the right environment and your body does the rest! The history of WBC began in Japan, developed in Europe and migrated to the U.S. Clinical studies are numerous and focused on treatment of pain and inflammation from sports injuries, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. The process of WBC simply accelerates your body’s natural recovery process. Therefore, specific benefits will vary person-to-person.
How does it work:
WBC stimulates the temperature receptors on your skin to send signals to your brain, telling you that you may be freezing.
Essentially, a WBC treatment forces your body to rapidly heal itself. These reactions include raising your endorphins, speeding the growth of new connective tissue and speeding up your metabolism.
When treatment begins, your skin surface temperature drops to approximately 30 degrees in under a minute.
This causes your body to stop trying to regulate your skin surface temperature and instead, your brain draws your blood to your core in order to protect it from the immense and sudden cold. While your blood is in your core, it picks up oxygen and nutrients which stimulate your body’s natural healing. As soon as your treatment is over, your brain sends that oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood to areas that it was unable to penetrate before due to inflammation and soreness.
Some of the many benefits of WBC include decreasing muscle soreness, decreasing pain, reducing swelling and inflammation, increasing range of motion, improving sleep, boosting energy, accelerating metabolism, strengthening immune system, increasing endorphins, mitigating anxiety and depression, reducing signs of aging, improving skin, and relieving joint disorders, rheumatoid diseases, multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.
Many European studies have shown enormous improvements in anxiety and depression with WBC because it raises endorphin levels. WBC also reduces stress and insomnia. Nearly everyone has reported increased energy and better moods after treatment. Another benefit is an accelerated rate of new connective tissue growth, which is extremely helpful to alleviate suffering from chronic pain, arthritis, overuse injuries, and tendinitis. Faster connective tissue growth also reduces post-workout recovery time and promotes superior athletic performance. Depending on the condition of treatment, it is recommended the client to take initially take 10 – 20 treatments in close succession (separated by 1-3 days) to maximize the results. After that clients can take fewer treatments spaced further apart to maintain and improve on the results.
About Our Equipment:
Despite extremely low temperatures; this treatment is very safe. The nitrogen being used to cool the cryosauna and cryochamber is the same nitrogen that makes up the air we breathe (actually 78% of it). There are oxygen sensors inside both the cryosauna and cryochamber. The equipment will shut down automatically if the oxygen levels start to decrease.
During a typical WBC treatment in the Cryochamber, you enter the preliminary chamber for approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute; after the bell rings- you enter the main chamber. The temperature in the main chamber ranges from -184F to -260F (-120C to -160C) and is set based on each individuals preference and frequency. The maximum combined time for the Cryochamber is 4 minutes. The Juka Cryochamber is the best in the world at enveloping and circulating body with hyper-cold air from head to toe.
To ensure clients receive the full benefits of WBC, our equipment is fully automated and reaches the appropriate temperature prior to starting a session.
The Cryosauna is a single-person cryogenic chamber used for individual treatments of WBC. During the treatment, the temperature is regulated by the operating technician within range of -184F to -260F. The treatment time ranges from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. The Cryosauna is equipped with an electric lift, allowing the client to be sub-merged in the cryogenic air only up to his/her neck, while the head remains exposed to room air at all times. This enables the client to be in continuous communication with the technician, which improves the client’s overall sense of safety.
What should you wear:
During a session, individuals should wear minimal clothing; shorts or underwear for men and bra and underwear for woman (bathing suits are also acceptable). Cotton material is recommended and no wire bras. No jewelry should be worn during treatment. For our Cryochamber we provide- gloves, headband, disposable mouth masks, knee high socks and clogs. For our Cryosauna we provide-gloves, knee high socks and clogs. To stabilize your body’s temperature as well as promote vasodilation (expansion of the body’s blood vessels); light exercise for about 15 minutes is recommended after a WBC Session. Our facility provides exercise equipment for your use.
What to avoid after treatment:
Do not enter a hot sauna or Jacuzzi for at least 6 hours. You should minimize alcohol consumption for several hours following treatment.
Risks involving WBC:
WHC is very well tolerated and has minimal risks: fluctuations in blood pressure during the procedure by up to 10 points systolically (this effect reverses after the end of the procedure, as your circulation returns to normal), allergic reaction to extreme cold (rare), anxiety and possibly claustrophobia.
Who should Not use WBC:
WBC include:
- Untreated Hypertension
- Heart attack within previous 6 months
- Decompensating diseases (edema) of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
- Congestive heart failure
- Chronic liver disease
- Unstable Angina Pectoris
- Arrhythmia
- Pacemaker
- Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or known circulatory dysfunction
- Acute febrile respiratory (Flu like respiratory conditions)
- Acute kidney and urinary tract diseases
- Severe Anemia
Who should Not use WBC:
WBC include:
- Cold Allergenic Phenomenon (known allergy to cold contactants)
- Heavy consumerist diseases (abnormal bleeding)
- Seizure disorders
- Bacterial and viral infections of the skin, wound healing disorders (open sores or discharging wound/skin conditions)
- Alcohol and drug related contraindications
- Valvular heart disease
- Cardiac Stent
- Conditions after heart surgery
- Ischemic heart disease
- Raynaud’s disease Polyneuropathies Pregnancy/Breast Feeding Vasculitis
- Claustrophobia
- Hyperhidrosis – heavy perspiration
- Sever Diabetes
- Inserted Aneurysm Clips in the brain
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This procedure is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.